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Historical accounts of bowel purging are made in ancient text from as far back as Egyptian papyrus dated 1500 BC. The current approach combines hygienic modern equipment with comfort and dignity.
Yes, they are used interchangeably to mean the same thing.
Irrigation involves the slow and gentle introduction of water via a small, lubricated tube into the colon. The water is let out through a larger tube bringing with it any loose debris. The result is a gentle flushing and loosening of old faecal matter.
Yes, water is used to cleanse the large bowel. This is one of the safest forms of health treatment there is.
The treatment can be relaxing with warm water flowing in and out, accompanied by abdominal massage and breathing techniques. You guide the treatment and can stop at any time if discomfort is felt.
Clothing is removed bottom half only. You will always be covered. Most of the treatment is spent with you comfortably lying on your back. Every effort is made to preserve your dignity throughout. Your modesty is always protected, and you will be in a private purpose-built room with only your therapist.
The session lasts between 60-90 minutes, you will be taken care of by me the therapist supporting you throughout the process.
There is no smell during the treatment because everything is enclosed and pipped out directly into the sewage system.
Colon irrigation does not carry such risk. Water is introduced very gently and at low pressure and is guided by yourself. The bowel is a muscle that expands and contracts allowing water in and out comfortably. A full medical history is taken to avoid contra-indications.
Only single-use disposable equipment is used ensuring the highest standards of hygiene are practised and complied with by the qualified therapist. Rubber gloves are used throughout the treatment.
Warm highly filtered water.
No, on the contrary, the internal massage provided by colonic irrigation, the variation in water temperature and the release of impacted matter from the colon will help train and tone the muscles of the bowel, working the muscles to help stimulate peristalsis.
No, colonic irrigation goes all the way around the colon an enema gets to the first part of the bowel only (sigmoid).
Yes, colonic irrigation is sometimes contraindicated. The therapist should always take a detailed history and be made aware of any medical conditions to assess if colonic irrigation is not advised.
The aim of colonic hydrotherapy is to restore effective bowel function rather than clean it out. The colon is in constant use. Depending on the conditions of the colon and the more impacted matter you release, the further the water can get without obstruction.
Yes, people will often display symptoms of toxicity before it turns into an identifiable or serious illness. Toxicity symptoms include constipation, bloating, fatigue, tiredness, skin problems, bad breath, aching muscles and joint pain, difficulties losing weight, water retention, bladder infections and recurrent thrush, irritability, and low mood. The intention of colonics is to help clear the bowel of toxins, mucus, and impacted faecal matter, helping to assist the body’s healing process.
Diarrhoea can be another form of constipation (referred to as overflow diarrhoea). Diarrhoea can also be caused by pathogenic organisms or an irritant which could be flushed by colonic irrigation. However, if diarrhoea is caused by an inflammatory condition, colonic irrigation is contraindicated.
Yes, removing impacted waste matter, toning the bowel, and strengthening the colon muscles could help alleviate constipation. A change of diet alongside a series of colonics is recommended for reliable results.
Yes, additionally colonic irrigation can be an effective way to lessen period cramps.
Some good and bad putrefactive bacteria and parasites will be removed during the treatment along with the removal of accumulated waste. Resulting in “good” bacteria having a better chance to thrive. The bowel bacteria that are present in the colon wall are not removed during colonics. A healthier environment encourages a healthy colony of gut flora. Probiotics are also recommended to repopulate the bowel with beneficial bacteria.
This varies depending on the individual, but usually, a minimum of two to three treatments consecutively is necessary for maximum benefits followed up with maintenance treatments.
Most people feel a sense of lightness and a surge of energy. It is also possible that you may feel a little tired initially or cold. Any unpleasant side effects are short-lived and a sign your body is working hard at detoxifying.
Usually 36-48 hours. For best results eat lightly, and drink plenty of water and follow any given instructions personalised for your recommendations.
Using diet, vitamin, and mineral support, along with colon hydrotherapy will naturally enhance its benefits.